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Linda's Predictions for JULY - AUGUST
(which may mean absolutely nothing)

Expect some delays, false starts and downright surprises. However this is a good thing. What is happening is that you are setting up a template for a new part of your life and are getting all the hard stuff out of the way before the smooth sailing comes in. So if you are stuck in a project, relationship, career or problem do not give it up quite yet. Don't stress out either. God's got your back. God is the only one you can always depend on for your greatest good anyway. Instead of stressing use your energy to look for alternatives, ways around the problem or try to provide a safety net so that no matter what things will go forward with small minimal changes until it's time for the synchronicity of the moment where positive change is indeed implemented.

Don't get attached to any one idea or one way to do things. Just trust and be open that everything in God's Universe is working to deliver what you want and need in the proper way and in the proper time. For some of you a completely new thing or idea will emerge to sustain you and bring you closer to what your true goal. The goal of being part of the whole to create greater positive conscious expansion to help the people and the planet become something that is for the greater good of all, rather than for the few.

We are at a time where 'as above, so below' is a very accurate description. The Universe, the Planet, nature, all cognizant beings are all struggling right now so we can find balance again for this Earth. Above in the Heaven's there is also a struggle between the Light and the Dark - but make no mistake the Light is winning. Here on Earth the rays of Light will start filtering in over the next 2 months illuminating, elucidating and protecting those that believe in and are positive in the Light.

There are a lot of reasons for the imbalances. You know them and none of them are pleasant. They seem to have gotten out of control - but that's an illusion. Unfortunately right now we need the dark so we can see the Light - and when enough of us see the Light (and we're very close to the tipping point now) then the Light can finally control and in most cases eliminate the seeds of discontent at their source so we never have to experience the likes of this in exactly in the same way again. Have hope because we're close.

The Earth's axis has changed and we are moving a little faster and this has been going on for over 10 years or more. I predict we are close to the shifting back time. To help we do need to take care of the environment and stop geoengineering, chemical contamination of earth, air, water, food, and atmosphere. Curtail big monopolies, lessen heightened WiFi or any sound frequency technologies that the big war machine companies are working on (and most of them are by the way - all over the world and not just in America.) I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night to sound frequencies that go through my body at a higher, more destructive frequency than how WiFi already does to us now. So if you're getting less sleep, heart rhythm fluctuations, digestion disorders, stress or anxiety look to man-made and environmental causes first rather than going to your Western Med doctor who will tell you they don't know what's causing it but take this drug instead of finding the actual cause - which they wouldn't believe anyway. That industry is pure profit over people these days.

Do your part by taking care of your environment correctly, limit wifi and phone use, buy from your local community stores and farmers markets, concentrate on things that make you happy rather than 'store bought' or 'having an experience' happiness - since these are fleeting and especially these days addictive for making you want more of this insubstantial happiness. Try to get into nature. Walk around your neighborhood with a smile and greet people with a nod or hello. Go out with your friends and family. Making dinners at home and get together for real communication rather than text, phone or computer. Just try and replace A.I. (which is almost running everything on the web these days) with R.I. (real intelligence) to make sure we stay in reality rather than becoming puppets for big business or funding the elite's dreams of greed and power.

Your dreams, aspirations, relief are becoming a reality as we speak. Be open to change because the change WILL be for the better. Trust and stay positive. Positive Energy resonates at a higher frequency. If you are in the Light remember you have power you don't even know you have. Don't get cocky with it or misuse it. Train your mind to always stay in truth and be positive and stay the course. Treat and love everyone equally. Nobody is better or worse than you - we all have value and play a part in Consciousness -- we may be on different energetic levels but the higher in consciousness you climb the more your compassion, gratitude, love expands and the more your attachments are released. This is a good thing.

When you are in doubt or if things prove to be too much - give it over to God. Let it be handled that way. Don't go to the Universe or anything in the Universe, since everything exists there - even every thought you have ever had. Isn't that what A.I. is trying to do to become your universe? Most forget that God made the Universe and controls fate - and yes Fate exists, so despite everything you do there is a divine plan and you're in it and fate is the part you cannot control - no matter what. All that is everything which has the ultimate control is God (and whatever you want to call God is all right with me.) Trust in your own energetic frequencies of love and truth and not the man-made ones that they are trying to push on you nor the universal consciousness ones. Go Higher to that Higher Power and guess what - you'll always be protected and guided in the right way and be in the right place - all of the time. Trust - we're almost there. Be happy. Sending you much love.

-- Until next time...

Much Love & Light - Linda

Remember you are your own best psychic.
Trust your gut feel


See Movie Trailer for Linda's
Documentary Short:

Many Faces of Psychic Ability

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