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(which may mean absolutely nothing)

This period of time will try to sway you from your center. Outside sources will be trying to pull you in multiple directions which will go on for the next 3 months as the top goes into a feeding frenzy over power and money. Over the next 3 months you will see their house of cards falling as people seeing the truth are making adjustments to survive - whether that is moving, cutting back, getting new jobs, establishing new relationships, which instead of separating us will actually be bringing us together. You need to realize that right now the outside forces wants to separate us and bring us apart. Put aside your differences we all basically have the same wants and needs so look at the similarities and not the differences.

These forces behind these actions are losing traction and people in the Light will move steadily forward no matter what adversity is set upon them. Things are going back to center including the gravitational rotation of the earth which is moving back from the position it has been moving in for the last 35 years oreven longer. You will see weather patterns and many things adjusting back to where they should be. WiFi and satellite activity is not adding to the prosperity or health of the people or the planet. Many of these energies (and some from the military complex) that they are trying to employ are not helping the planet stability. Concentrate your energy on any negative force and send pure lovelight towards it. Concentrate and believe me you will be making a difference whether you (or they) recognize it or not. Remember it only takes a small number of people thinking the same thought at the same time to effect positive change -- but it works better coming from a positive, loving place. So if you have something that upsets you these days throw love energy at it. Stay balanced and stable in all situations to obtain the results that you want. Limit those negative word, deeds and actions for best results - for you, them, the planet and maybe even beyond.

It is a time for reflection. As we move into Fall many things will also be falling and I mean more than just the leaves. Grocery, utility, rents and housing prices will continue to fall over the next 3 months. It is the time of harvest and ordinary people will be able to gain from this harvest as long as they remember to not overindulge or overspend. A tough job market will continue with loss of jobs but new things will be replacing these jobs that are connected to helping each other or the planet and creative endeavors. Which, bottom line, means you will always have enough and get what you need, not necessarily what you want -- but in actuality do you really need more things? It is a time to get out and connect with other people and not replace people by buying things. Buying things will not make you happy in the long run...all it does is make you want to buy more things to get more gratification. This happiness can never last because, unless its buying an animal, the things you buy can't give you the love you need. Plus things don't help you give love out so you can create the balance in giving and receiving that you need to make you happy long term. So remember reflect on what brings you joy and happiness beyond 'things.'

Do not get stressed over political elections or anything negative this month. One thing we need to remember is that God IS in control. No matter what candidate gets in, it will actually make little difference to you on how you navigate your actual life. The Band-Aid is off the scab and we see the wound is caused by both factions being financed and both following the agenda of exactly the same people - no matter what side you are voting for. We the people in the Light (and there are a lot more than you may think) know that the Internet and mass media are no longer in truth and know it is being manipulated moment by moment and is not to believed. Truth has come out about Big Agra, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Oil, etc. and the truth isn't going back in the box. These factions are NOT in your corner but want profit and power which only the top few can benefit from. So let's concentrate on something that will dissipate that power. Ignore them. Buy only what you need from ethical sources and from your community stores - so we can help and support each other. Concentrate on Thanksgiving. It's November after all. Be thankful for the things you have. Stay positive and choose the positive in each moment. It helps stem depression and illness as it uplifts your spirit while contributing positive energy to consciousness - which is the only thing at this point that can shift everything and make a difference...but even this will take time - but we will overcome adversity by our sheer numbers and our positive thought. So don't be part of the problem. Be part of the solution. Vote with your heart, and I'm going out on a limb here, but if you don't like either candidate then maybe write in a candidate that you WOULD choose - so they get the message loud and clear, "That we are not fooled and we can't be coerced. We will work around, over, under or through each obstacle they put in our path because we are Americans and are truly creative no matter what. It really won't make any difference who gets in because the government is no longer for the people but is a negative system in it for itself. So vote with your heart because their agendas are not the wants or needs of everyday people. Support each other and do not wait for the government to do it. It won't. It can't. We and we alone make the difference through positive choices. Do not use negative choices that do not help the greater good of all and neve, never, never use volatile actions. Love is the STRONGEST weapon that you have and remember LOVE conquers all - so give it out as much as you can and have a great Thanksgiving!

Family is important this month...but family needs not be just actual blood family members but includes extended family like friends and acquaintances. Now more than ever we have to realize that its is not expensive gifts that we need but gifts from the heart and soul. Meaningful gestures, kind words or a helping hand provide more loving energy than just a material gift. This month the focus should be on balancing giving and receiving. I have an article on this website about that which if you are interested you can find it here...https://www.lindamackenzie.net/givingreceivingarticle.htm. Basically, when you give without receiving something back it comes from your ego because if you don't let someone give back to you (needn't be in the same amount) then you are karmically making them have to repay you in the next life. Giving and receiving needs to be in balance so remember this for the Holiday Season. Another thing to remember is to stay joyful - no matter what. There are a lot of changes coming so expect that this month that these things WILL be beginning. Still don't get off balance and stay joyful because the changes that are coming are for your highest good and will lay the way for an even better future life for not only you - but for us all. Guaranteed!

When the changes come...remember what goes up must come down and then goes back up again. That is the rhythm of life - and no one on earth can change that. So stay happy. Sending you much love to you and yours for the Holidays and beyond.

-- Until next time...

Much Love & Light - Linda

Remember you are your own best psychic.
Trust your gut feel


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Many Faces of Psychic Ability

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