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Linda's Predictions for MARCH/APRIL
(which may mean absolutely nothing)

Get ready for movement. This hurry up and wait may last a little longer for some, but most of us are in line to get new ideas and are to be shown ways to tap into good fortune: physically, emotionally, mentally and spirituality. You have to grab it as it comes by and resonate with the positive energy until it infiltrates your being to manifest what you need and desire. Don't act in doubt.

Finally the waiting is over. For those who have waited patiently in the Light and have not gotten swayed by easy moves, deceit or corruption. The ones who patiently waited instead of fostering negative emotions and energy by taking part in less than the Highest Light endeavors. If you are one of these - get ready - do not worry. You will get what you need over these next three months and should see a shift towards more prosperous times as you get support from above AND the earthly plain. It will vary on how much you are willing and able to receive. Are you ready?

Let's take a look at the upcoming months.

The old adage that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb may pertain to weather but not to your life path. You will find that this March will come in as a lamb and roar out as a lion for your greatest, most positive good. The planets are sending an energy that will support you as long as you stay in the Light. Things will gradually improve if you Live In The Moment and don't get caught up of the minutia of politics and the negative media which is still trying to lead you down a rabbit hole. Progress means change and you will find change will be thrust upon you even if you don't want it or think you need it -- but the magic of this change is that it is leading you to a spot in your life where attachment gets detached and positive energy flows within and without you ---AND if you want to use that positive energy in kindness and share with others (and stop concentrating on only yourself) not only will you rise but you will be uplift a little piece of the world - to make us all better. Now ISN'T THAT NICE. The trick to getting what you want in March is to think beyond yourself and trust the wind of enlightenment that is lifting you up to a new spiritual level that will ultimately give you peace, freedom and gratitude for all that you have and all that you will get by staying in the Light.

Now to the everyday life issues - Yes there may be a change in your career - but embrace that change it will be getting you closer to alignment. Don't be stuck in what you want but be open to new possibilities and even starting something on your own when it comes to employment and bushiness. As for investing, bonds may give you more money long term and if YOU are a volatile trader the stock market may have some potential to provide income but only for the select few that can afford to take those risks. The housing market will continue to come down so you may want to wait a bit before moving whether it be a new house or rental. The economy will be slow to come round but you will see the difference in 6 months and you will be in a better place. Love is available -- but take it slow there are many retrogrades this month - an you can take those as a learning experience to overcome adversity and wait for the synchronicity of the moment before you act.

April will be a time of fostering renewal - in all areas of your life. As the beginning of April comes in take this time to see where your energy is going and try to balance it in 6 (six) directions for a happy healthy life. These directions include - self, family, friends, career, community and spirituality. If you give more time to one in one day, then give more time to the others the next day. Remember this is the time for you to stay as balanced as possible - so you can take advantage of opportunities that will be coming specifically to you. . Very important to stay balanced in all areas of your life in case things come in to sweep you off your feet. If you're balanced you won't fall down and weather any storm (or small squall) that may come your way. April is the time for you to grow spirituality. Open up new doorways. Find deeper roads to reflect and shine with God...within and without...and whatever name you call God is perfectly all right with me. Joy. Happiness. Health. Love. Light. All are available to you on and after the 20th of the month. Be ready and reach out for it. Trust 100% that you will be provided for - for no matter what - you will be. You will be starting a steady climb out of the inertia and pits of negativity and misfortune that you have been mired in over the last couple of years. Put your face towards the Sun and feel the warmth as your plans and dreams enfold into new heights and avenues you didn't even know existed. While you are experiencing this positive force - reach out your hand to someone else that may be lagging a bit behind and bring them with you so they can accomplish what they need to do. We all should be focused on honoring and respecting all sentient beings and nurture them with the love from our hearts and give them the tools they need from our minds and if you do this you will reap even more spiritual rewards just by loving your brother as yourself. The time has come for togetherness. Take any derision or things trying to separate you from humanity and kick them to the curb. Stay in positive energy and we can turn this world around -- and rather quickly.

Money will flow a little bit more freely this Month. Love and relationships prosper near the end of the month and living expenses will start to come down but more and better results in this area will happen as the months go by. Send prayers to stop the wars and derision and stay out of that fray if you can. Remember God rules in the end. Place your trust in that.

So start getting happy - the tide is turning. Get ready for the waves of Joy and make sure you keep your heart open for that!

-- Until next time...

Much Love & Light - Linda

Remember you are your own best psychic.
Trust your gut feel


See Movie Trailer for Linda's
Documentary Short:

Many Faces of Psychic Ability

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