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Master Class!

Achieve maximum Psychic Power with minimal negative impact and karmic effects. You'll discover how to use key insights and increase your lifetime psychic abilities in a spiritually protected, ethical manner aimed for the greater good of all.


Part 1: Psychic Integrity                 Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024     5-7pm

Explore and learn to incorporate the Psychic Code of Ethics truth and integrity into your life for maximum protection, You'll delve into the specifics of Staying Positive to help eliminate negative thought and achieve maximum power. Then experience an Expanding Psychic Ability Meditation to magnify your psychic abilities to actualize your next step. This is an opportunity to go beyond yourself and learn to use your abilities ethically to aid in the overall positive transformation of consciousness.

Part 2: Psychic Navigation             Tuesday, Jan 23, 2024     5-7pm

Everything is energy. As a Psychic you are an energy interpreter. Your chakras contain electric energy, while your auras hold electromagnetic energy. These act like your psychic antennae that can navigate through 11 energy zones. Discover the potential of your chakra and auric Psychic Antennae and explore each of the 11 Psychic Energy Zones to navigate, differentiate and better interpret psychic message interpretations from a much wider and broader energy field.

Part 3: Psychic Protection             Tuesday, Jan 30, 2024     5-7pm

Raising your Psychic vibration naturally increases both the positive and negative energy sources around you. Exploring and learning to use your Psychic Awareness and Spiritual Consciousness can help protect your mind, body and spirit, and others, from negative energy sources. Many Psychic Protection Methods will be discusses and also the where, when, why and how of the negative sources. Don't miss this opportunity to find out about Ancient and Modern tools which you can use to protect yourself before, during and after a negative energy attack.

COURSE: 233159 / ZOOM / 6 CEUs
Tuesdays January 16, 23, 30   5-7pm PT
All 3 classes: $80.00/ $70.00 if paid 10 days in advance

This course is given and REGISTER at: InfinityFoundation.org
It is available on ZOOM. You will be emailed a Zoom link closer to the time of the class.
This course will be recorded and you will receive a link to watch it.

Infinity Foundation, 1280 Old Skokie Rd., Highland Park, IL 60035
(847) 831-8828       infinity@infinityFoundation.org

Linda Mackenzie, C.ht., Ph.D. (c)
a former datacom engineer and multi-business entrepreneur is a globally known radio/TV expert in psychic and bio-energetic healing. She is a multi-book author, lecturer and Founder of HealthyLife.net All Positive Talk Radio Network and HRNpodcasts.com. She has appeared on hundreds of radio shows, almost all cable and network TV channels including ABC, NBC, CBS, Discovery, BBC and was a major psychic player in several award winning documentaries.

© 2023 Linda A. Mackenzie